Our EFT cheat gives you the advantages you need to dominate the game with features like Aimbot, Player ESP, Item ESP and much more! Security is our number one priority, therefore we have an application system with limited slots to keep our forums and cheat free from unnecessary risks. Get your application in before all the slots are filled up!
Enabled, No Snap, Key, Fov, Smooth, At team, Hitbox, Mode, Through Walls
Player ESP, Player ESP Max Distance, Names, NPC Names, ESP Box, Box Outlines, Healthbar, Distance, Head Dot, Grenades, Grenades Max Distance
Enabled, Background Alpha, Zoom, Position Preset, Radar Size, Radar Position X / Y
Enabled, Extract Points, Names, Distance
Crosshair, No Recoil, No Spread, No Sway, Unlimited Stamina, Instant Examine, Speedhack, Speedhack Key, No Movement reduction, No Visor, Night Vision, Thermal Vision, Fov Changer, Fov On Key, Zoom Key, Double Tap, Full Auto, Free Cam
Loot, Names, Distance, Loot Max Render Distance, Corpses, Corpses Max Distance, Ammo, Food, Barter, Weapons, Mods, Quest Items, Other
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